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Amarillo City Council Votes Down Proposed ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ Ordinance

On Tuesday, June 11, the Amarillo City Council voted 4 to 1 to reject the citizen-initiated “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” ordinance, both in its amended and original forms. Council Member Don Tipps was the only member to vote against rejecting the ordinance.

The next step will be for the initiating committee to certify with the city secretary that it wants to have the measure on the November ballot. It must take this action within 20 days.

“It’s frustrating that the mayor and city council chose to side with the [Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance] and the radical Left over the thousands of signers of the Amarillo [Sanctuary City for the Unborn] petition,” initiating committee member Jacob Meyer told The Texan via text message.

Meyer believes the November ballot measure will have “devastating ramifications for the elections in November” because he believes progressive donors like George Soros will pour “millions upon millions of dollars to defeat” the measure.

Such attention from the left may impact the re-election of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who “relied on Amarillo, Lubbock, and other West Texas cities for support in his reelection in 2018,” according to ...