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Republican Senate Candidate Sam Brown’s Pastor Demands Gays ‘Repent’

Army vet and Trump-backed U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown has worked to lighten his past stances on abortion and other issues as he runs against incumbent Democrat Jacky Rosen in a crucial battleground race in Nevada.

Last month, Brown, 40, told NewsNation he could conquer Rosen’s then-projected lead by appealing to “the independents, and even to the Democrats who are sick and tired of out-of-touch politicians.”

But the Purple Heart recipient, who in 2008 was severely burned by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, has attended churches with extremist views and controversial practices—raising questions about whether this would resonate with all voters.

Brown and his wife, Amy, are members of Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks, helmed by a pastor who pushes his flock to take their “biblical values to the ballot box” and who’s labeled “transgenderism” a Marxist plot by elites aiming to control people.

“This ideology is coming… from Satan,” lead pastor Phil McKay said on his podcast earlier this year. “I believe it’s coming from demons.”

During a New Year’s Eve service, McKay said anyone “caught up in the sin of homosexuality” must repent to Jesus or ...