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Hibbs on the Church and politics: Let the light shine no matter what it exposes

The changing times in the Republican Party may be a reflection of changing culture, but the party is nonetheless changing.

The RNC Convention was not one of stiff suits. Instead, the speech docket mixed in youthful GOP leaders, cultural figures and pastors at any given time.

The revised platform – hailed by Log Cabin Republicans, the pro-LGBTQ wing of the party – was confirmed at the convention.

It’s a different platform, skimping on protection of life and the definition of marriage, strongly addressed in previous GOP platforms, but significantly watered down in the revision.

It has no mention of a need for congressional action on the abortion issue, fetal tissue research or mention of God bestowing the right to life.

For Bible-believing Christians it’s a challenge, and a group so influential in two previous campaigns with Donald Trump as the nominee finds itself searching for ...