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Florida Must Vote No on Amendment 4, Don’t Put Abortions Up to Birth in the State Constitution

Pro-lifers are sounding the alarm on Florida’s 2024 ballot initiative, Amendment 4, which, if passed, would not only end Florida’s six-week pro-life protection but would “enshrine” abortion into the state’s constitution. As the initiative states, “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

Former President Donald Trump has expressed his skepticism in the past over Florida’s current heartbeat law, claiming six weeks “is not enough weeks” for women to make this decision. But to the relief of those in the pro-life movement, Trump made his stance concerning Amendment 4 crystal clear on Friday. Characterizing the proposal as “radical,” he said, “I’ll be voting no.” But even after his statement, several voters are still unaware of what this amendment entails.

John Stemberger, president of Liberty Counsel Action and former president of the Florida Family Policy Council, explained on last Friday’s “Washington Watch” that Amendment 4 “is an extreme and deceptive constitutional amendment that is being proposed for ..."