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Hawley warns nuclear family is 'under assault,' paints faith as unifying force in the US

A prominent United States senator is warning that the nuclear family is “under assault” as he points to faith as a unifying force rather than a divisive one.

“The nuclear family, I think, is pretty clearly under assault,” said Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., in a speech Wednesday at the Museum of the Bible. “It’s under assault from many corners. It’s under assault from a bunch of our popular culture, but also … we’re sitting in Washington, D.C., we can probably see the Capitol out those windows and it’s under assault from policy and from our government. I mean, we have a tax code that penalizes marriage. It doesn’t reward it, it penalizes it.”

“We have policy upon policy that makes it harder to raise children. We have a radical Left in this country that now wants the decisions about how to raise children to be made by [the] government, not to be made by parents,” he added. Hawley attributed the hostility toward the nuclear family to “decades and decades of denigrating the family” and “decades and decades of saying that there really are not a lot of differences between ..."