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Pro-Trump Texas Pastor Robert Jeffress believes 'God has a plan' for election

[Image credit: Pool/Getty Images]

Pastor Robert Jeffress believes God created the family, the church and the government—the proof is in the Old Testament Book of Genesis and the New Testament's Acts of the Apostles. Jeffress, the evangelical leader of First Baptist Dallas church and its 16,000 members, concludes that Christians in Texas have the right and responsibility to take part in—and ought to vote in—the presidential election this November.

In a wide-ranging phone interview last week, Jeffress told me he teaches the First Baptist Dallas congregation about biblical values to help "guide" their decision-making in the voting booth. However, he claimed that the church members there have a "very independent Texas spirit" and don't want him telling them whether to cast a ballot for former President Donald Trump or for Vice President Kamala Harris.

But Jeffress, who is known among Christians as one of Trump's most vocal supporters, also admitted to his "obvious" affinity for the 45th president. "I don't have to tell people who I'm supporting," he said. "Everybody knows. They see the news. President Trump is a friend of ..."