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What Makes iVoterGuide Different?

Dear Reader,

The term “voter guide” brings to mind seeing candidates' positions on 4-6 issues, compared on a chart, or possibly candidates' responses to several questions. iVoterGuide is far more than the voter guides of old!

iVoterGuide, the nation’s largest candidate research organization focused exclusively on informing voters with biblical values, strives to inform you of your options on the ballot while understanding that not everyone wants to dive into the political world. Using iVoterGuide, you can obtain a deeper, wider, more personal, and straightforward collection of data on the candidates. By utilizing the detailed research and evaluations, you can prayerfully cast your ballot for whom you believe would steer America towards a more biblical and purposeful future.


While other voter guides might cover only federal candidates for whom there is usually copious information, iVoterGuide seeks to evaluate as many candidates as possible, even those who are further down the ballot. Educating voters on down-ballot candidates is just another way to take charge of America’s future.

In the 118th Congress, 80% of house members and 82% of senate members were public servants or elected officials at the local, state, or federal level before serving in Congress. This is just one of the many reasons even the lower-level candidates should be diligently researched . . . today’s local candidates are tomorrow’s national leaders.  

When researching candidates, iVoterGuide dives deeply into what each candidate has done, not just what they say they’ll do. Far more than just candidates' questionnaire responses, iVoterGuide looks at how each legislator has voted (through legislative scorecards), what they have done with money (through campaign finance data), who has endorsed them, their questionnaire responses on dozens of topics, and more!  

iVoterGuide is built on Biblical foundations in both politics and the coalition model. We partner with over 50 incredible organizations in order to fulfill our role of equipping voters and believe that through partnering with like-minded groups we are serving our purpose in the body of Christ.


For 2024, iVoterGuide is researching and evaluating over 13,000 candidates for elected offices across all fifty states. No matter the number of electoral votes a state carries or the size of its population, we know that each state is equally important when it comes to elections. Therefore, each state and their candidates deserve to be represented.  

Easier to Use  

Personalized Voter Guide 

What good is having a voter guide if you cannot understand the information or identify which candidates are on your ballot? Voter guides being accessible is not enough. At iVoterGuide, you can enter your voting address and receive your personalized voter guide. There, you will find information and evaluations on just the candidates running in your own districts.  

Careful Evaluations 

iVoterGuide believes that the best voter is a prayerful and educated voter. However, not everyone has the time or the inclination to research their candidates. Life is hectic. Averaging more than 4 hours of research for each of the 13,000 candidates covered, iVoterGuide does the research so that you do not have to.

We’ve researched over 67 million donation records and tracked more than 3,000 endorsing organizations and aggregate scorecard data from over 300 organizations for thousands of candidates across the nation. All the information we gather is posted online so that you do not just have to take our word for it. Not only is the research comprehensive and detailed, but the overall political philosophy of each candidate is presented as a gas gauge on our political spectrum. 

Tool to Help Americans Vote Wisely 

iVoterGuide does not tell you how to vote. Rather, we give YOU the candidate information so that you may choose for yourself! With biblical roots and research-oriented grounding, iVoterGuide hopes to help you choose the next leaders of this country. We have helped deliver the winning margin for candidates up and down the ballot!

Whether voting for president of the United States or a local school board member, iVoterGuide aims to provide exponentially more information than previously available, presented simply, enabling you to approach the polls with a confidence rooted first in Christ and then in your knowledge of your candidates. 

For our future, 


Debbie Wuthnow
President, iVoterGuide