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Bill Republicans say would undo 'parents' bill of rights' initiative moves forward

House Republicans in the Washington State Legislature offered up dozens of amendments Thursday during an executive session before the House Education Committee, but none were successful in slowing down a bill that critics say would undo a parents’ bill of rights initiative passed by lawmakers last year.

House Bill 1296 would, according to the House Bill Report, promote “a safe and supportive public education system through student rights, parental and guardian rights, employee protections, and requirements for state and local education entities.”

In March 2024, the Legislature passed Initiative 2081. The bill took effect on June 6.

I-2081 gives parents and legal guardians of public school children the right to access information about their child's academic, medical, safety, and law enforcement matters.

Also in the mix: a judge in King County Superior Court granted a motion for summary judgment in favor of I-2081, denying the plaintiff’s requests with prejudice. This means that the case is dismissed permanently and cannot be brought back to court.

Republicans offered up more than two dozen amendments in a futile attempt to ...