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Democrats are in Hogg He_ _

The grownups in charge of the Democratic Party have made their share of errors and canoodled with extremists on all sorts of matters. However, in one regard, they’ve been pretty successful in keeping their party kind of normal: speaking about marriage and family as if they are good things.

This has taken some effort by the party establishment. Out in the Left’s fever swamps, marriage is a cage, the nuclear family is a system of oppression in need of dismantling, and bringing a baby into the world is the moral equivalent of arson.

Marxist writers such as Sophie Lewis advocate family abolition in the pages of The Nation, while pro-divorce, anti-baby op-eds regularly grace the opinion pages of prestigious liberal institutions.

The second-string Democrats also sound the same anti-family notes.

In Summer 2023, then-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced through a New York Times reporter that he and his wife were splitting, but not divorcing, but dating other people, but living together — that is, an open marriage. “Avoid attachments” was his motto. That is, avoid marriage, avoid family, and avoid anything that might encroach on your autonomy.

A follow-up article praising this arrangement cited the approval of ...