Texas Pastor Council President Dave Welch was recently invited by Trinity Fellowship Church Senior Pastor Jimmy Witcher to meet with his citizenship ministry team to both share about the mission of the U.S. Pastor Council and Texas Pastor Council, as well as hear about the exciting things happening through that ministry. “It was a tremendous joy to meet with such a great pastoral leader as Jimmy Witcher, his ministry team and to witness first hand another outstanding model of what we urge every church to do,” Rev. Welch said in follow up.
Trinity has a rich history in Amarillo and nationally, led by former pastor and still serving as Apostolic Elder, Jimmy Evans of Marriage Today Ministries. Pastor Witcher and TFC have made a huge imprint for Christ in greater Amarillo as well as leading a network of churches around the country.
Pastor Witcher has agreed to serve on the TXPC Executive Council, comprised of the lead pastors from the city Pastor Councils around the state. He and Rev. Welch also discussed developing a citywide pastor coalition in the mode of the Pastor Council model and will be working together toward that goal.
Welcome Pastor Witcher, TFC and Amarillo to the USPC and TXPC Family!