One of the exciting new resources available to pastors and citizens from U.S. Pastor Council is our “It’s Ministry, Not Politics!” booklet translated into Spanish! USPC has distributed over ten thousand of the English version that guides pastors through biblical and historical content addressing issues such as:
- What is a “Minister”?
- Who Turned Off The Liight?
- Citizenship Ministry Begins in the Heart!
- Ministry By Any Other Name?
- Citizenship Ministry is NOT Optional!
- Scripturally, Legally, Historically, YES!
- Conclusion – Pass the Salt, Turn on the Light!
One of the greatest points of misunderstanding by pastors is that speaking, preaching or acting on anything involving moral, cultural or governmental issues is “political”, so is therefore not the business of pastor or church. This booklet was written to address that confusion in a simple way, so it is a natural progression to make this available to our pastors whose primary language is Spanish.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporting churches and donors, we have always made these booklets available at no cost to pastors and available at minimal cost in quantity for churches or individuals.
Just one more pastor “seeing the light” and leading his church to be godly, effective citizens by implementing the AMERICA Plan* results in a massive and permanent increase in the impact during and between elections, so please contact us now to request your copy of “It’s Ministry, Not Politics!” or “Es Ministerio - ¡No la política!” (complimentary for pastors, $5.00/copy for non-pastors)! You can also order them at or by calling USPC at 832-688-9166.